Fetch is a new animated series that follows the story of Fid, an over-achieving pup on her quest to train, and win in dog show competitions. But when a new family moves to town and Fid discovers they have an adorable golden retriever named Rufus, everything changes- including her winning streak!
Story: Fetch
Characters: Lola, Izzy, and Jake
How will the series be distributed?
Will it be on Twitter, Youtube, or both?
What new stories could this series explore?
Fetch is a new animated series which will be distributed on smart devices. The protagonist Lola, Izzy, and Jake explore new stories that may not always be on Twitter and YouTube. It is unknown if the show will appear on either of those platforms at this time, but you should keep an eye out for it!
What is Fetch?
Story and Cast
Themes and Topics
Fetch is a new animated series short on smart devices that follows the adventures of a canine named Fetch. The series is created by animator and writer Jason Shaw, who also serves as the show’s director and producer. The short tells the story of Fetch’s search for a new home after his previous one was destroyed, while based on his original character designs.
What is Fetch?
How can Fetch help you?
Who are the main characters of Fetch?
Which episodes have aired so far?
List of other recent, popular animated series
Fetch is a series that follows the adventures of three characters. Fetch, a dog who loves to chase balls; Bree, a squirrel who is always exploring new areas; and Hopper, a bird who loves to fly. Each episode features exciting challenges and mysteries that must be solved in order for our characters to succeed.
New Animated Series Short On Smart Devices: Fetch
Overview of the show
Fetch the Movie on Netflix
In animated show, Fetch, a young girl with a strong bond with her dog, is tasked with bringing order to an alternate universe that has been plagued by chaos. To do this, she must team up with her trusty dog, Sarge, and use their combined skills to save the day.
What is Fetch?
Why did the show get cancelled?
How can it be saved?
What is Fetch?
Fetch is an animated series that was developed for smart devices. It was cancelled after only one season because the show’s creator, David Levy, decided to stop production. However, there is a way to save the show. You can petition Netflix to revive the show and release it on their streaming service. If this happens, Fetch will have a new chance at success.
Fetch: A New Animated Series Short On Smart Devices
How It Works
The Story
Why It Works
What To Expect Going Forward
Fetch is a new animated series that hits every cord in your heart. This clever and original story is full of characters made of clay, but don’t fret, there’s lots of fun shenanigans and even better animation. The creators are already updating the show on a regular basis, so let this become the next big thing you’ll binge-watch all day until it’s late.
What are the new animated series?
Who can enjoy this series?
What are Fetch’s key characteristics?
How can viewers connect with Fetch on social media?
Fetch is an upcoming 8-episode series that is set to air on devices like smartphones and tablets. The series is about a dog named Fetch who goes on adventures with his friends. Fetch has very unique characteristics, such as the ability to fly and breathe under water. Additionally, viewers can connect with Fetch on social media platforms for exclusive content and be the first to know before anyone else.